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Relation between SBR & HSR?
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According to the polymerization of styrene-butadiene rubber in different ways, into milk-and styrene butadiene rubber SSBR. Milk polybutadiene - referred to as the Milk-styrene rubber SBR, code-named E-SBR. According to the polymerization temperature, sub-milk-styrene-butadiene rubber Calorimetry (50 ℃) and cold milk law-SBR (5 ℃), also known as the former "hot rubber" (hot rubber) or high-temperature SBR; the latter said "Cold rubber" (Cold rubber) or low-temperature SBR. Styrene butadiene rubber in the general level of 23.5 ± 1%; content as high as 40% over that of the high-styrene rubber (high styrene rubber); styrene combined 70-90% for high-styrene resin; individual has combined styrene Low. In addition to the pure styrene-butadiene rubber, there are oil-filled styrene-butadiene rubber and oil-filled breast-milk-derived carbon black mother of styrene-butadiene rubber mixing.
This shows that the high-styrene rubber SBR is a unique species, from latex and styrene butadiene copolymer latex obtained, and then washed by the pool, squeezing dehydration, dry derived products.

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