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Application in Rubber for Silane Coupling Agent?
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Mainly use in rubber:



+ Industrial rubber and rubber filler to promote bonding between the
+ Wear rubber special agent
+ Rubber processing modifier


Glass fiber, glass fiber reinforced plastic
     To improve the glass fiber Stiffness, cluster, with the invasion and the combination of polymer, glass fiber reinforced plastics to increase the dry, wet mechanical strength and electrical properties, to extend the service life. Adhesives, sealants and potting compound, to improve dry, wet adhesion and bond strength and insulation.
Inorganic filler surface modification
     Fill to raise thermosetting and thermoplastic resin in the wettability, processing and bonding.
Coatings, paints and inks
     Improve the adhesion, chemical resistance, corrosion resistance, anti-aging, Naica Xi, water resistance and color, filling the dispersion, wetting.
Plastics and other thermoplastic resin
     To improve the plastics and inorganic pigment and the combination of flame-retardant materials, compatibility and improve strength; also silane cross-linked resins used in the production, raise the temperature of the plastic and mechanical strength.
Resin sand casting, oil well cementing, abrasives and friction materials
     Resin sand to increase the strength and toughness, reducing the amount of resin to increase strength products.
     To improve the feel of textiles, soft, waterproof adhesives and dyes force.
Rubber and elastomer
     Rubber products to improve the strength, hardness, abrasion resistance, lower rolling resistance and heat, improve the rheology.

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